Thursday, August 26, 2010

Grumpy in Rhode Island

The hell that has been the summer of 2010 with its persistent and recurring heat waves stopped short this week, requiring the wearing of a jacket. Heaven.

Except that I’m on a beach vacation with no beach, just swamp. No sun-and-sand, just rain and mud. The stormy weather even canceled the Block Island Ferry. And here I sit, grumpy that finally the awful heat wave has been broken by days and days and days of much needed rain…. and ruined my vacation. And guess what! Those 90-degree days will be back as soon as I start driving home!

I know, I know, every day that I’ve been here I’ve not been at work, and that’s undeniably good. But sheesh, I walk more every day in Manhattan than I have here – when the woman at the hotel said it was a mile from the beach, she meant as the crow flies. You gotta drive everywhere here. Grumble grumble.

What I’ve learned this week:

  1. While the view from the Port Jeff/ Bridgeport ferry is best from the top level, the winds are also highest there. Lesson: Wearing a skirt for the ferry ride is not a good plan.
  2. Never ever take vacation in the latter half of August.

The sun has come out. I’m going to take a dip in the pool before the storm starts again.

~ Molly Matera, signing off, donning a swimsuit for the last day of vacation.......

1 comment:

  1. Grumpy in RI is a delicious bit of writing!
