Monday, May 21, 2012

Rainy Days and Mondays

Rain means things that were drying outside are wet again.

The rugs I’d washed were drying nicely in the sun yesterday.  Then the sun went down, when I wasn’t looking.  This morning I woke to rain, and the rugs were still outside.  Sigh.

I set up the drying rack inside and laid out the rugs.  The cats watched.
The drying rack -- and it was morning outside, just very dark
Fascinated, they sniffed, they stood on their hind legs, they tried to climb up.  I told them not to jump up, because the whole thing might collapse.  They did not listen.

Mama Millie first
Chick's turn

Finally Wilbur.
    ~ Molly Matera, signing off.  It's not safe to be in a different room from the Cat-astrophe to come ....


  1. is this comment thing working today? Or has the new Google+ and blogspot new formatting messed it up?

  2. Well, let's see.
